Training Module

Virginia Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service

Train your employees to follow Virginia law when selling or serving alcohol.

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Virginia Responsible Alcohol Training Certified by Virginia ABC

Our Virginia Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service training is STAP certified (Seller/Server Training Approval Program) by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). This 45-minute alcohol training for Virginia covers all the criteria required by the state and more, using real-world scenarios and quizzes to demonstrate and reinforce critical learning points.

STAP-Certified by Virginia ABC

Our Virginia Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service training is STAP certified (Seller/Server Training Approval Program) by the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). This 45-minute alcohol training for Virginia covers all the criteria required by the state and more, using real-world scenarios and quizzes to demonstrate and reinforce critical learning points.

Included in This Module

Why Train Your Staff on Virginia Responsible Alcohol Sales and Service?

Establishments that sell alcohol have a legal obligation to provide responsible beverage sales and service. Should an employee make a mistake, showing proof of state-approved training completion can benefit your company. Although training is not mandatory in Virginia, their code allows retail licensees who violate the law to potentially receive reduced penalties if they demonstrate their employee training was certified by Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control.

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